With hard-packed entering the closing stages, all owners will consider matters such as curtains. To ensure the curtains installed stable, easy to use, it will have to pay attention to the selection and installation of curtain rods. Here to see curtain rod along with the small purchase installation notes.

Choose Start from understanding curtain rod classified knowledge

People tend to pay attention to selection of curtains and ignore the selection of curtain rods. On market variety of curtains, curtain rods, too, if they wanted curtain rods quality, style is not appropriate, then eventually quiet curtain effect is also worrying. We have to know about curtain rods the basic classification of knowledge.

1, category one: light vs dark rod

Curtain rod according to can be seen can be divided into the rising stem and dark bar in two, Ming can see color, decoration, decorative effect is quite prominent. Install valves become the main selection of curtain installation.

And dark curtains are often boxes, curtain boxes come in two forms: one room has ceiling, curtains should be concealed in the ceiling box, complete in the ceiling at the top; the other is the room without ceiling, curtain boxes to the wall, and window frames as a whole.

2, category II: single vs dual

Curtain rod according to the structure can be divided into single and double-track rail, as the name implies, single can only hang a curtain, and two-track can be mounted on both sides, installing screens and installing thick curtains, easy to use. Owners according to their own choice.

3 the material, curtain rod

Curtain rod material in aluminum, iron, solid wood, different products in terms of price varies, ranging from a few dollars to hundreds of recommended window to select better, because for a long time, some inferior product tends to get bad influence, or even personal injury.

Aluminium Windows to buy

Aluminum window bars are common in the market window Rod material, focus on when buying window wall, great wall is relatively thick to 1.5MM-2MM; Secondly, ring pull design, poor using recycled plastic pull rings, rough manufacturing process.

Wooden window bars to buy

Wooden window bars common color variety, by type-transparent-color and cover two, basically depends on the surface, smooth, paint is uniform, decoration such as head shape is symmetrical, solid wood decorative Rails with silencers and two without a silencer. If opening and closing more recommended with silencers.

Iron window bars to buy